Saturday, October 3, 2009

Welcome: Free online Web 2.0 tools

Create teaching resources using the free online tools listed here!
You may be prompted to download the latest Adobe Flash Player or the latest Java version to use some of these tools - they are both free.

The tools start from very simple ones and become more challenging. Each tool is very user friendly for teachers who are new to using ICTs in the classroom. We hope they will be of use to any classroom teacher, with particular interest for teacher librarians. The module has been created by the NSW DET School Libraries and Information Literacy Unit, Curriculum K-12.

Worksheets to support this module are available through ShareSpace.

Remember to check the web filter status of each tool Some are for teacher use only as a demonstration tool, most are for student use. To see an example of these tools in a classroom context, visit Miss Riley's Classroom.

21st century pedagogies 
This module builds on introductory information about using information and communication technologies in teaching at the rap zone. For a bigger picture about 21st century pedagogies, visit Web 2.0 tools for Professional Teaching Associations by Judy O'Connell, or LearningAU to see the workshop by Dean Groom and Judy O'Connell. In these online resources, you will find Judy O'Connell's Toolkit A-Z: a superb compilation from which the 16 tools featured on this blog have been drawn.

Individuals - Start by creating your blog OR join the rap zone wiki
Use a blog to save links to all the resources that you create. Set up a gmail account in google, then create your own blog at Within your blog, create a post for each tool as this blog does, or make up your own post titles, as you find extra favourite Web 2.0 tools. You may prefer to share your resource links in the rap zone wiki instead - email to receive an invitation to join the wiki.

Workshop trainers - Create your own wiki
You may wish to set up a wiki [See the example at Tool 16] so that all participants can create knowledge together as they trial the 16 Web 2.0 tools. Alternatively, your group may wish to post their URLs and discussion at the rap zone wiki. Please contact if you wish to use this wiki.